South Arkansas Christian School is dedicated to seeking the salvation and spiritual growth of our students, as well as, providing a fundamental education that will prepare our students for college and life.

 We see ourselves as an extension of your church and your Christian home in fulfilling your responsibilities to provide a Bible centered and academically challenging education for your children. We believe God is the Creator of all things, and the Bible is the final authority for all faith, knowledge, and practice. We unreservedly reject the multicultural, humanist, materialistic, and evolutionary basis of most secular education today.

Please stop by and see us or give me a call. I would love to introduce you to our staff and teachers, as well as, give you a tour of our classes. 

You will be very pleased with the friendly atmosphere here at South Arkansas Christian School.

In Christ's Service,

Andy Hawkins

South Arkansas Christian School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.